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Solution Brief

Asset Discovery and Inventory Management

CylusOne - Asset Discovery and Inventory Management

The magnitude of railway networks and the fact that they consist of endless assets, which are spread over large physical spaces, makes it extremely challenging to monitor and protect. The variety of systems and vendors, the growth in using commercial off-the-shelf vs. proprietary systems, and the increasing connectivity, create a wider attack surface and more entry point for attackers.

Asset discovery and inventory management provide the visibility and management efficiency required for protecting railway companies, enabling them to meet compliance and build overall cybersecurity resilience. 

Solution Highlights:

1. Automated discovery of all assets

2. Full visibility with live asset monitoring

3. Context-aware of rail application logic

4. Smart partitioning into Zones & Conduits

5. Advanced security analytics and reporting

6. Passive, non-intrusive flexible deployment

7. Complying with IEC 62334, TC 50701 & NIS-D


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Asset Discovery and Inventory Management

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